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3R Seminar at the Stockholm World Water Week 2011

"Integrated Management of Urban Water Buffering: From Research to Implementation"

Are you already familiar with 3R solutions and practices? How does it make the difference in urban settings? Urban water supply systems often do not reach the entire city. Water recharge, retention and re-use solutions provide hands-on means to secure safe water supply as well as mitigating flooding in urban environments. This includes not only the safe use of the natural water buffer that the shallow groundwater provides, but also the use of the storage in deeper aquifers, the potential for rainwater harvesting in a variety of ways and the opportunities to enhance water conservation in urban planning and storm water management.

Convenors: Acacia Water, Aqua for All, BGR, MetaMeta, RAIN Foundation and UN-Habitat, in an integrated session with GIZ and UFZ..
Sponsors: Aqua for all, BMZ, BGR, UN-Habitat, Rainwater Harvesting Implementation Network (RAIN), UFZ.

3R seminar 2010 information
Again this year's 3R seminar at Stockholm World Water Week was a success, with over 100 participants. Download the seminar 2011 programme (Pdf, 270 kb)

Presentations available of the 3R seminar:
- Introduction to 3R (powerpoint) (video)
Mr Sjef Ernes, Director of A4A and partner of the consortium.
- Integrated Water Resources Management and 3R in Central-Northern Namibia (powerpoint) (video)
Presented by Dr Thomas Kluge (ISOE) and Dr Thomas Himmelsbach (BGR).
- Fresh groundwater buffering in Bangladesh (powerpoint) (video)
Presented by Mrs Sarmin Sultana, Dhaka University/UNICEF.
- Up scaling of 3R for improved water use in rainfed and irrigated production systems in Rwanda (powerpoint) (video)
Presented by Dr Azene Bekele–Tessema , ICRAF.
- Gabion Weirs An alternate to sand dams (powerpoint) (video)
Richard Owen (Africa Groundwater Network)

Seminar 2010 Round Tables - Moderated and wrapped-up by Dr Richard Carter (WaterAid, UK)

Roundtable video

Roundtable Posters
1. Institution building and policy development for 3R, chaired by Mr Lourdes Baptista, CE WaterAid in India.
2. 3R and health, chaired by Mr Bruce Gordon, World Health Organisation (WHO).
3. 3R and saline groundwater, chaired by Dr Arjen de Vries, Director of Acacia Water, member of the consortium.
4. Implementing and financing 3R, chaired by Dr Azene Bekele-Tessema.

Video Footage
For an original copy of the video footage of the seminar and roundtables please email: info@bebuffered.com