September 25th 2014 from 13.30 - 15.15: Aqua for All & partners at the Delta's in time of climate change conference
The Stichting Waterbuffer together with the 3R partnership organizes an inspiring and interactive experience on small scale and subsurface waterbuffers as smart fresh water solutions.
Fresh water buffers can provide a suitable solution for water shortages in coastal areas worldwide. Several barriers have to be overcome to widely apply these technologies. Presentations from inspiring case studies from Spain, The Netherlands and Bangladesh will form the kick-off for interactive discussions on necessary next steps for upscaling.
Moderator: Paul van Koppen (Kopconsult)
Speakers: Frank van Steenbergen (MetaMeta), Arjen de Vries (Acacia Water), Pere Camprovin (CETaqua Water Technology Center Spain), Kazi Matin Ahmed (Dhaka university Bangladesh).
More info:
Delta's in time of climate change 2014
2012 -
Stockholm World Water Week - 3R Consortium and FAO presenting on Upscaling water storage solutions: the economic potential. The challenge addressed in this session was how to upscale 3R interventions taking into account both technical and economical viability. Read more here
3R Seminar on the World Water Day 2012, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
'Water buffering in coastal areas – innovating options for securing water supply'. Read more here
2011 - Stockholm World Water Week - Integrated Management of Urban Water Buffering: From Research to Implementation.
The seminar in 2011 saw a succesfull collaboration with the launch of the second brochure on 'Managing the water buffer - 3R solutions in urban areas' (pdf). Please find all powerpoints, posters and announcements here.
2010 - Stockholm World Water Week - The Untapped Potential of 3R solutions to improve Water
Quality and Quantity.
Again the 2010 3R seminar at Stockholm World Water Week was a success, with over 100 participants. Please find all powerpoints, posters and announcements here.
- Stockholm World Water Week - Water Recharge, Retention & Reuse: 3R Solutions for Water & Food Security. The Untapped Potential for Upscaling Water Storage Solutions.
To download presentations and results from the outcome of the SWWW seminar 2009 click here